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Criminal Defense

Representing People Charged With Crimes in Idaho

When you are charged with a crime, you may feel alone, helpless and confused. At Gulstrom, Henson & Roark, PC., we are here to advise you and protect your rights. You have the right to a lawyer and you are innocent until proven guilty. Contact us as soon as possible if you are facing criminal charges. Call our law office in Nampa at 208-899-4387 or contact us online for a free consultation.

Visit our criminal defense FAQ section to review answers to frequently asked questions and up-to-date information regarding criminal laws.

DUI Representation

If you were charged with DUI, speak to a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney can inform you of important hearing deadlines and advise you on other legal issues related to DUI.

Attorneys for Drug Crimes

From paraphernalia to drug trafficking, our attorneys are knowledgeable of all drug crimes in Idaho and their potential consequences. We also know which defenses can be successful and which ones fail.

Violent Crimes & Sex Crimes

Violent crimes and sex crimes are serious criminal charges. You need a strong criminal defense attorney to represent you. Our lawyers will aggressively represent you in any violent crime, gang crime or sex charge.

Other Crimes

Gulstrom, Henson & Roark, PC., also represents those charged with a wide variety of other crimes.

Record Expungement

Our criminal defense attorneys can work to have your criminal record sealed (expunged) so that the public cannot access it.

For a free consultation, contact Gulstrom, Henson & Roark, PC., online or call 208-899-4387.

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Gulstrom, Henson & Roark, PC.
1009 West Sanetta Street
Nampa, ID 83651
Phone: 208-899-4387
Toll Free: 866-930-9749
Fax: 208-463-1030
Map & Directions
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