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Stop Creditor Harassment: Nampa Lawyers

Creditors Can Be Stopped

You are probably sick and tired of creditors calling you at all hours of the day and night, bothering you at work, contacting your family and making your life generally miserable. Fortunately, there is a way to make it stop: you can file for bankruptcy. Once you file the appropriate paperwork, an automatic stay is issued, preventing creditors from calling and harassing you about unpaid debt. From there, the creditors will have to deal with the court's process, leaving you free to work towards a fresh start.

Your Advocates for Debt Relief

We take the time to understand your individual circumstances and work with you to figure out what you can and cannot keep. Our lawyers will represent you in dealing with the creditors, negotiating a reasonable payout so that they are satisfied and you can go on with your life. We will set up a payment plan on your behalf so you can complete your end of the bargain, and we make sure the creditors are satisfied with the arrangement so that you no longer have to endure their unwanted, constant attention.

Call our Nampa attorneys at 208-463-0793 to put a stop to creditor harassment or contact us online for more information.

Repossession Attorneys Serving Boise, Idaho

If your car, house or other important assets are in danger of repossession, our lawyers can help. Filing for bankruptcy puts a hold on all repossession orders and prevents creditors from taking away your property.

A Good Working Relationship

We work with the creditors in our area on a regular basis so we know what to expect. We also work one on one with you, guiding you through the entire process so that at the end, you have a better life to look forward to.

Call Gulstrom, Henson & Roark, PC., at 208-463-0793 or send us an e-mail to learn about your options. We offer free initial consultations and we have flexible payment options. Se habla español.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

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Gulstrom, Henson & Roark, PC.
1009 West Sanetta Street
Nampa, ID 83651
Phone: 208-899-4387
Toll Free: 866-930-9749
Fax: 208-463-1030
Map & Directions
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